facebook coffee

Check-in: Facebook Share, Loves and much more!

Today we are excited to take a big step forward in connecting people with coffees, coffee shops and coffee brands they love! Since we launch beta version in Oct 17th, we are developing new features to check-in activity be more delightful.

facebook coffee

  • Imagine share your coffee check-in with your Facebook friends?
  • Imagine tag your favorite coffee shop and/or your coffee brand to receive exclusive news?

Check-in Coffeely App

When you make a check-in, you can tap to share your check-in on Facebook, love the venue and love the coffee brand.

Coffee database

Our biggest challenge is to increase our coffee database with true information. We take a little step forward this month with a link in our site that anyone can add coffee brands and coffees. Users can add directly on Coffeely App. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Give us feedback

As you already know, the App is in the test phase yet and all suggestions are welcome. You can send us through this link.

We are working hard to increase the coffee’s base and features.

Drink a cup of coffee and make a check-in on Coffeely!